Ashagari consultancy in Partnership with Initiative Africa (IA) and other organizations held women’s Leadership Conference on the theme ‘Beyond Political Quota Commercial’ at UNCEA on March 31-2021. Leaders and Representatives from Governmental organization, private sectors and CSOs attended the conference. The conference was opened by a welcoming speech by W/o Mekides Gebireweld, the founder and Managing Director of Ashagari Consultancy.
Following that Wz.Aster Tilahun from ARDAN, her speech was focused on RED CARD for violence and discrimination against women and girls, which was an interesting topic in the conference.
Other speckers from different organizations take the stage and presented their speechs on different topics: to recall a few
Unconscious Gender Bias and Women’s Leadership by Dr. Azeb -psychiatrist
Embracing Change Together by Mrs Saskia Kioezeman –Consultant and
Learn -Live -Lead: Leadership tool to expand influence by Wz. Mekdes Gebrewold
The participants were actively forwarding their questions and suggestions following each speakers and ideas raised which enriched the discussion.
These types of conferences won’t be the last as Ashagari Women and IA are in partnership to make it an annual event.