Gender Based Violence Survey

The survey on gender-based violence during COVID-19 and its impacts in Addis Ababa is underway. Recruited by Initiative Africa, Dr. Sewalem Tsega Consultancy Services is the firm conducting the survey. The survey is being conducted in selected Sub-Cities of Addis Ababa to determine the level of Violence against Women and Girls before and during the pandemic. The purpose of the survey in detail is:

  • The current capacities and organizational capabilities of the institutions involved to address/confront issues of violence against women/girls and to address gender and gender‐based social issues broadly within their mandates;
  • Gender‐based violence, variation and prevalence;
  • The Impact of Covid-19 on the status of VAW/G.
  • The vulnerability of women to VAW/G; and
  • VAWG‐specific advocacy and support service provision-related to both institutional environments as well as individual perceptions/awareness.

This survey results and report will be released in the coming month.

How to Create a Successful New Year Plan?

Do you have a plan laid out for the new year? Do you know your priorities and goals?

Even though it may change throughout the year, It’s important to give yourself a starting point to at least start the year on the right foot.


  • Define your Priorities

What is your focus for the new year? Take time to list out your priorities with pen and paper and rank them in order of importance. I like to go through and pick my top 3-5 priorities for this season. Remember, our seasons can change throughout the year. So we’re just establishing what’s most important to us right now.

  • Fill in Your Schedule

Look at a yearly calendar. What essential commitments have you already made? What important holidays, birthdays, and events do you need to plan around?

Once you have the major events penned in, you will have a better idea of what kinds of projects and goals for the year will be realistic.

This is where having planner you love really comes in handy. When you find a planner that works well for your life, using it is easier and you end up being more prepared and organized.

  • List Your Projects for the Year

This step is all about figuring out the “big” things you want to accomplish and then breaking those goals down into smaller steps. First, write down all your dreams for the year. Then, pick what is actually realistic.

  • Find your WHY and THEME

First of all, what’s the “Why” behind your goals? Why do you want to accomplish those goals you set? How are they going to impact your life? How will you feel when it’s done?

Next, it’s fun to set a theme for the year.

  • Establish Good Habits

I think that good habits are essential to achieving your goals.

For example, if your goal is to get up a half hour earlier every day, some habits that would support that goal might be prepping your clothes and breakfast the night before or making sure you go to bed on time.

  • Create a Schedule

I think this is important to mention when creating a plan because managing your time and schedule well will be key to actually achieving your goals.

So create a schedule and block out times where you will work on your goals.

  • Be Realistic

If your goals are too audacious, you may get frustrated with lack of progress and ignore them. On the other hand, if they’re too small, you’re more likely to procrastinate because you’ll have “Plenty of time to get them done.”

I think somewhere in the middle is the perfect place to be with your goals – just a bit more than you think you can do. Also remember that you can change your goals! They’re not set in stone. In six months you may be in a completely different place, and that’s ok!

A mid-year check on your goals, or even better, quarterly, is a good idea to make sure you’re on track and to see if there’s anything you need to change.



by Laura sue shaw

Ways to Becoming A successful Person

  1. Set concrete goals.

To become successful faster, you first need a road map for your career. After all, you can’t take shortcuts if there’s no end point in mind. The definition of success is different for everybody, so it’s important to get clear on your personal goals. What do you want to achieve in your career? Be as specific as you can, because it’s only when you’ve defined concrete goals. that you can create actionable steps toward them.

  1. Establish a routine, and stick to it.

Most successful people already know this: There’s a big benefit to repetition. Routines keep you moving forward and help you to keep growing. For one thing, if you follow a routine, it’s much easier to monitor your progress over time.

  1. Find a mentor.

Many highly successful people have this in common: They had a mentor. A mentor is someone who is on the same career path as you, but further along. From a place of experience, they can offer relevant information and guidance on your chosen career path.

  1. Streamline your routine.

What if I told you that you could simplify your life and remove roadblocks that are keeping you from becoming successful by doing less? Positive routines can help you advance in your career faster. But bad habits and time-wasting routines can have the opposite effect.

  1. Learn how to say no.

It can be hard to say no, but it is usually better in the long run. It shows integrity, and you won’t find yourself wasting time on things that aren’t advancing your career.

  1. Be smart about money.

It’s hard to get ahead when you’re constantly playing catch-up or living paycheck to paycheck. If you want to become successful faster, you need to get smart about saving money.

Do yourself a solid and put away some of every paycheck in your savings account.

  1. Learn from your mistakes.

If you want to become successful, you can’t let these missteps crush or break you down. Rather than seeing them as the end of the world, can you see them as an opportunity? Ultimately, failures can be our biggest teachers. After all, what feels like failure today could in fact be teaching you a lesson that will help you avoid a much bigger failure in the future.