
Call for Social Enterprise Organization

Initiative Africa requires the services of a social enterprise organization to collaborate with its Social Enterprise team to organize and implement activities that can reduce violence in schools. Please find below the necessary documents.

MCH Partners’ Proposal Template Call for Proposals SVI rev3 (1)

#PhysicalBullying #AntiBullyingweek #ChooseRespect #MakeChangeHappen #InitiativeAfrica

#PhysicalBullying is using one’s body and physical bodily acts to exert #power over peers it includes Punching, kicking and other #physicalAttack#AntiBullyingweek #ChooseRespect#MakeChangeHappen #InitiativeAfrica– join us and share this post to take a stand against bullying.

 #AntiBullyingweek #ChooseRespect #MakeChangeHappen


It’s #AntiBullyingweek with a theme of #ChooseRespect join our campaign and to #MakeChangeHappen #share this post to take a #stand_against_bullying #InitiativeAfrica.
People under 25 will, at some point, experience bullying. As a result, 1 in 3 will #selfHarm#grades_drop, will experience #socialanxiety#undermined_selfesteem, and #depression.
This year we are using #AntiBullyingWeek to encourage people to #SpeakUp about bullying by having an #EssayWritingContest in schools all over #AddisAbaba.

#TypesOfBullying #ChooseRespect #MakingChangeHappen

#TypesOfBullying #ChooseRespect #MakingChangeHappen

#Physical_bullying includes hitting, kicking, tripping, pinching and pushing or damaging property. …
#Verbal_bullying includes name calling, insults, teasing, intimidation, homophobic or racist remarks…
#Emotional_bullying includes harassment, disrespect,mistreat, hostility…
#Cyber_bullying Stalking, Hacking accounts, hate messages, anonymous threats ..

Call For Young Filmmakers – Workshop with Mr. Michael Havas

Embassy of the Czech Republic in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia is Proud to announce that it is having a film workshop on Monday, November 5 with filmmaker Michael Havas. Come join us 2:30-5:00 PM @ American cultural center at National Archives and Library Agency (Wemezeker)!