Our Projects

Business for Peace
We desire to mobilize the business community to engage in peace building and conflict resolution activities, through corporate social responsibility to maintain support for effective peace building and inclusive coordination amongst Government, private sector, media actors and civil society. And we like to respond to concrete challenges and opportunities to build a peaceful and just Ethiopia through civic education, training, internship and apprenticeship activities.
Making Change Happen
The project through four initiatives, aims to move towards a more holistic approach to preventing and combating violence against women, ensure freedom of choice and gender equality.
Empowering Young Girls
Building Communities’ is an Initiative Africa designed project targeting mostly girls in grades 9 -12 who have a desire to graduate, as well as out of school youths who wish to improve their opportunities.

Civic Education
Creating the medium for the youth and professionals to discuss and debate on topics that are dier to the future generation as well as first time voters.
Addis International Film Festival
The Addis International Film Festival (AIFF) is a documentary film festival held annually in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Organized by Initiative Africa, an education based non-governmental organization; it is the largest independent documentary film festival in Ethiopia.
Empowering Marginal Economic Actors
Empowering Marginal Economic Actors through Policy Reform from the Bottom-Up [EMEA], which is an initiative intended to improve the business environment for all subsets of the Ethiopian economy. This program mainly focuses on bottom-up reform originating with women entrepreneurs, self-employed youth, and the informal business community in general.